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Deploying Struts2 Application without ContextPath

I've got a struts2 application running under a contextpath "/path" on my local tomcat without problems. When I deploy it on a webserver (using a proxy to redirect from "" to "myserver:8080/path/") Struts does all kinds of strange things.

First, it includes the context in -tags. That can be turned off by an attribute. But sadly, it also includes the path in the action attributes of my forms, so a login form points to "" instead of "" ...

Is there a possibility so somehow change the default context that is added here or turn this off for forms? (I'd like to keep the -tags, only way round seems to be to use default HTML forms.) Thanks in advance!


  • I found that others also had the problem, but the framework makers don't seem to think that this is an issue. My solutions:

    • use includeContext="false" in all s:url-tags
    • instead of the s:form tag, use a usual form, set the action to "actionname.action" and include a simple table with tablerows () for each field. You still can use s:textfield and such.
    • sadly HTTP sessions won't work anymore as they get set for the path "/path" (the ApplicationPath). This is due to the cookie that saves the JSESSIONID being set to /path. This means that your visitors will only get session variables stored when they're at and that those will be lost when they get redirected back to ... my solution is a hack that requires setting the JSESSIONID cookie clientside via JavaScript as described here: Struts2: Session Problem (after reverse proxy)

    Hope this helps someone ... if you find nicer solutions, please let me know. :-)