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FW/1 not finding controller

I recently updated my FW/1 app to version 3.5 and now the controllers functions aren't being called.

<!---@ Version History: 11 July 2011, Created by James Mohler --->
<!---@ Version History: 31 May 2013, Converted to Component by James Mohler --->

component accessors=true    {

property framework;
property beanFactory;

property reportService;
property historyService;
property uiService;
property payService;
property supportService;

void function before(required struct rc)    {   
    param rc.BossEID    = "all";

Dump of variables

enter image description here

Note that there are no functions on the controllers. No error message is shown.


  • The ColdFusion style comments seems to change how the file is processed.

    component accessors=true    {

    doesn't do anything because the file is not in automatic <cfscript> mode.