I recently updated my FW/1 app to version 3.5 and now the controllers functions aren't being called.
<!---@ Version History: 11 July 2011, Created by James Mohler --->
<!---@ Version History: 31 May 2013, Converted to Component by James Mohler --->
component accessors=true {
property framework;
property beanFactory;
property reportService;
property historyService;
property uiService;
property payService;
property supportService;
void function before(required struct rc) {
param rc.BossEID = "all";
Dump of variables
Note that there are no functions on the controllers. No error message is shown.
The ColdFusion style comments seems to change how the file is processed.
component accessors=true {
doesn't do anything because the file is not in automatic <cfscript>