I want to use websocket in spring application for contact requests. I already have setup login page for users and I use spring security for that. My problem is following: how to securely send web socket messages to two different users.
I know that i can broadcast messages to every user subscribed to some topic with @SendTo()
and can broadcast message to one user only with something like
.convertAndSendToUser(principal.getName(), "/queue/requests", request);
because his username is stored in principal.
My problem is how to handle when we have to target 2 users from a request and make it secure so that you cant just listen to any channels from client side without being authorized.
Ideally I'm looking for something like
.convertAndSendToUser(request.getFromUser(), "/queue/requests", request)
.convertAndSendToUser(request.getToUser(), "/queue/requests", request)
Spring WebSocket handles /user channel, so I used those methods
This is how I solved this problem:
When user authenticates with Spring Security, WebSocket module creates unique channel for that user based on his Principal. Example "/user/queue/position-updates"
is translated to "/queue/position-updates-user123"
So on the client side all I had to do, was subscribe to /user/queue/requests
And on the server side, send messages to /user/{username}/queue/requests
with convertAndSendToUser(request.getFromUser(), "/queue/requests", request)
and Spring handles the rest.