I have a class containing one string property:
public class Bla
public string Parameter { get; set; }
I would like to write a custom AbstractValidator, which checks that Parameter is equal to either one of these strings:
str1, str2, str3
I guess this would be a starting point:
RuleFor(x => x.Parameter).Must(x => x.Equals("str1") || x.Equals("str2") || x.Equals("str3")).WithMessage("Please only use: str1, str2, str3");
but can I chain this and also show an error message, ideally without hard-coding the possibilities, e.g.:
Please only use: str1, str2, str3
You may do this with a list containing your conditions
var conditions = new List<string>() { str1, str2, str3 };
RuleFor(x => x.Parameter)
.Must(x => conditions.Contains(x))
.WithMessage("Please only use: " + String.Join(", ", conditions));