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Producer-Consumer using only notify() in the case of a single Consumer and an arbitrary number of Producers

Below is my code for implementing the Producer-Consumer problem. Everything is working using notifyAll(), however due to performance reasons, I'd like to replace all occurrences of notifyAll() by notify().

I see that replacing these calls by changing notifyAll() to notify() causes a deadlock to happen. However, all other attempts in replacing these calls have failed.

Is there some clever way to replace these calls with notify() that make the code below work with a single Consumer and an arbitrary number of Producers?

public class Buffer
    private volatile String content = "";
    private volatile boolean isEmpty = true;

    public synchronized void addItem(String s)
            try {
            } catch (InterruptedException e) {
        content = s;
        isEmpty = false;


    public synchronized String getItem()
        while(isEmpty) {
            try {
            } catch (InterruptedException e) {
        String temp = content;
        isEmpty = true;
        return temp;

public class Producer implements Runnable
    private String greeting;
    private int repetitions;
    private Buffer b;

    public Producer(String aGreeting, int aRepetitions, Buffer aBuffer){
        greeting = aGreeting;
        repetitions = aRepetitions;
        b = aBuffer;

    public void run()
        for(int i = 1; i <= repetitions; i++) {
            b.addItem(greeting + i);

public class Consumer implements Runnable {
    private String greeting;
    private Buffer b;
    public Consumer(String aGreeting, Buffer aBuffer){
        greeting = aGreeting;
        b = aBuffer;
    public void run()
                System.out.println(greeting + b.getItem());
        catch(InterruptedException exception){}


  • For being able to use .notify(), you need to garantee, that any possibly awaken thread will "consume" whole "reason" of notification.

    E.g., in your case consumer (method .get_item) frees space for single element in the buffer. And this is a reason for notification from consumer. Because you use single consumer model, only producer (method .add_item) can be awaken because of this notification. And producer uses whole freed element for store information into it.

    So, using .notify() is consumer is OK.

    From the other side, because you use multiple producers, it is possible that notification from one producer will awake another producer. Of course, one producer doesn't consume effect of another one.

    So, using .notify() is producer is BAD.

    The most native way for resolve your problem is to use different notifications: one for consumer, and one for producer. So, notification in producer can awake only consumer, which consumes information stored by producer. Different notifications under same critical section can be achived by using Condition:

    public class Buffer
        final Lock lock = new ReentrantLock();
        final Condition notFull  = lock.newCondition(); 
        final Condition notEmpty = lock.newCondition(); 
        // `volatile` isn't needed for objects accessed under critical section
        private String content = "";
        private boolean isEmpty = true;
        // Use lock instead of `synchronized`.
        public void addItem(String s)
            try {
                    try {
                        notFull.await(); // Analogue for wait()
                    } catch (InterruptedException e) {
                content = s;
                isEmpty = false;
                notEmpty.signal(); // Analogue for notify()
            } finally {
        // Use lock instead of `synchronized`.
        public String getItem()
            try {
                while(isEmpty) {
                    try {
                        notEmpty.await(); // Analogue for wait()
                    } catch (InterruptedException e) {
                String temp = content;
                isEmpty = true;
                notFull.signal(); // Analogue for notify()
                return temp;
            } finally {