I'm having problems getting Branch.io to work in a Cordova powered Android app. I have a landing page that parses the data from branch.io deep links and forwards the user to the correct page. My javascript for this page contains:
function onDeviceReady() {
console && console.log("Device Ready");
function initBranch() {
branch.init(<branchKey>, function(err, data) {
console && console.log("branch init error: " + err);
//then the parsing and forwarding follows - omitted here
I then created a Branch.io deep link to this landing page in the web api and tested it in chrome which works.
Then i tried to move to the Cordova app...
I followed this guide to prepare the app for branch.io: https://dev.branch.io/recipes/quickstart_guide/cordova/ (I installed the plugin and adapted the Manifest file.)
But when i try to open the same link that worked in chrome on my Android device the app opens correctly and the landing page loads, but i'm not forwared. Instead i see the following error in logcat:
I/chromium(19382): [INFO:CONSOLE(22)] "Device Ready"
I/chromium(19382): [INFO:CONSOLE(29)] "branch init error: Error: API request /v1/open missing parameter device_fingerprint_id"
Can anyone tell me what i'm doing wrong? I'm just getting to know Cordova and Branch.io so it's probably something small i'm overlooking.
Thanks, Lif
A colleague of mine figured it out:
Branch.io creates an entry branch_session in the local storage of the android device. On my device this session was corrupted somehow and the device_fingerprint_id was empty:
After clearing the local storage* the session was freshly created, and now looks like this:
And now deep linking works.
Kr, Lif
* To clear the local storage i used chrome://inspect --> inspect webview, go to resources tab, choose "local storage" and the the correct url, then remove all values.