I'm trying to code an kind of ArrayList
(struct) defined as follow:
typedef struct {
int reservedSize; // reserved size
int size; // Size of list
void ** pElements; //pointer to list elements
void (*deleteArrayList)();
void (*add)();
void (*remove)();
void (*set)();
void* (*get)();
int (*indexOf)();
int (*len)();
void (*clear)();
void (*push)();
void* (*pop)();
int (*contains)();
int (*isEmpty)();
int (* containsAll)();
struct ArrayList* (*clone)(); //trouble1
struct ArrayList* (*subList)();//trouble2
} ArrayList;
As you can see, two elements type int
, and pointers to functions, but I only have troubles with the last two. I have an initializator as follows:
ArrayList* al_newArrayList(void) {
ArrayList* list;
list = (ArrayList *) malloc (sizeof(ArrayList));
list->size = 0;
list->pElements = malloc(sizeof(void *) * 10);
list->reservedSize = 10;
list->add = al_add;
list->deleteArrayList = al_deleteArrayList;
list->remove = al_remove;
list->set = al_set;
list->get = al_get;
list->indexOf = al_indexOf;
list->len = al_len;
list->clear = al_clear;
list->push = al_push;
list->pop = al_pop;
list->contains = al_contains;
list->isEmpty = al_isEmpty;
list->containsAll = al_containsAll;
list->clone = al_clone;//trouble1
list->subList = al_subList;//trouble2
return list;
The program works but have a runtime error, and I have warnings about wrong referencing at:
list->clone = al_clone;//trouble1
list->subList = al_subList;//trouble2
Even those functions works but the program is closed. Do you have any idea? Wrong syntax?
typedef struct {
int reservedSize; // reserved size
int size; // Size of list
// ...
struct ArrayList* (*clone)(); //trouble1
struct ArrayList* (*subList)();//trouble2
} ArrayList;
By the time the compiler gets to the "trouble" lines there is no type named struct ArrayList
There is a struct type with no tagname being defined.
At the end of that definition, there will be a type named ArrayList
(a struct type with no tagname) defined.
define the type struct ArrayList
typedef struct ArrayList { // define type with tagname
int reservedSize; // reserved size
int size; // Size of list
// ...
struct ArrayList* (*clone)(); //trouble1
struct ArrayList* (*subList)();//trouble2
} ArrayList;