Basic problem description: I'm trying to build a ListView
(table), which dynamically adds rows. Each row in the table contains a DropDownChoice
, with an 'onchange' Ajax behaviour attached to it.
What I'm seeing: The first DropDownChoice
in the table behaves correctly. Any others added to the table don't trigger the onUpdate
method in my Java code.
I've inspected the HTML, and this is happening because only the first DropDownChoice
in the table has an onchange
handler attached to it.
Here's my table creation method:-
private WebMarkupContainer createCommandTable() {
commandTable = new WebMarkupContainer("commandTable");
commandView = new ListView<CommandModel>("commandRow", new PropertyModel<List<CommandModel>>(this, "commandListModels")) {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 6376139649874160166L;
protected void populateItem(ListItem<CommandModel> item) {
final CommandModel model = item.getModelObject();
return commandTable;
Here's my DropDownChoice
creation method:-
private DropDownChoice<Root.Command> createCommandDropdown(CommandModel model) {
IChoiceRenderer<Command> renderer = new ChoiceRenderer<Command>("name");
DropDownChoice<Root.Command> commandDropdown = new DropDownChoice<Root.Command>("commands", new PropertyModel<Root.Command>(model, "selectedCommand"), root.getCommand(), renderer);
commandDropdown.add( new AjaxFormComponentUpdatingBehavior( "onchange" ) {
private static final long serialVersionUID = -7424498013668780417L;
protected void onUpdate( AjaxRequestTarget target ) {
} );
return commandDropdown;
Here's a screenshot of my browser's inspector. You can see there is no onchange
event handler for the second ListView
item. However I notice that there are two event handlers on the first ListView
In fact, I just added another row, and the first row's dropdown got another change event handler added to it. Why is the event handler not getting attached to the correct dropdown?
I notice both <select>s have the same id but different names. Could it be that the onchange handler gets attached to the id and therefore only works on the first component?
In general, don't specify id attribute in the HTML, let wicket handle it as it makes sure the ids are unique.