I am using Bootstrap Switch, and needed to make an exclusive select: there are a bunch of switchers (unknown amount), and the user can turn one just one at a time.
I did something like this:
$('.switcher').on('switchChange.bootstrapSwitch', function() {
$(".switcher[id!='"+selected_id+"']").each(function() {
$(this).bootstrapSwitch('state', false);
$('#'+selected_id).bootstrapSwitch('state', current_state);
Unfortunately, this sends the script on an infinite loop (upon state change). I think this is because under the hood, Bootstrap Switch uses a trigger() function, so when the switch state is changed to false, it triggers the switchChange event again, and so on.
I made a workaround, by triggering:
$("#some-container .bootstrap-switch-container *").click(function() {
// ...
Instead. However, this seems like a really really bad solution.
Is there a better way?
Run into same problem yesterday. Solution was found in documentation. In your case you must provide 3rd parameter set to false:
$('#'+selected_id).bootstrapSwitch('state', current_state, true);
This parameter (named skip
) must be provided and set to true when you don't need to trigger switchChange event(-s).