In Sublime Text I can arbitrarily select a set of lines and then use ⌘+L
to expand the selection to the full lines. Is there a similar command in PHPStorm / WebStorm? (I'd like to map that command to a keyboard shortcut.)
I know PHPStorm has the option "Select Line at Caret", but that selects only one line.
Nowadays (welcome 2020) Go to Preferences > Keymap. Change or add the value to
Add Carets to Ends of Selected Lines
to have it behave like Sublime Text so it looks like
Old Answer This is as close as I could get it (before 2020):
Go to Preferences > Keymap. Search for Clone Caret Above/Below
The keys are:
for Clone Caret Above
for Clone Caret Below
Click on Apply and it will work