How can i access object of activity in base adapter class. I used adapter class as adapter for my list-view. I want to access textview which is outside the listview but listview and textview are in same activity. I tried in adapter class like this:
holder.grandTotal = (TextView) ShopCartActivity.findViewById(;
holder.grandTotal.setText(String.valueOf(new DecimalFormat("##.##").format(grandTotal)));
But error is coming on this syntax:
ShopCartActivity. //ERROR
I tried like this too:
ShopCartActivity.this or ShopCartActivity.class
I tried this in constructor of adapter class it works (But value is not calculated yet) but when i put it in getView() method in which my all calculations are happening, its not working.
Basically i want to set value of textview after loop returns the value in base adapter. Is there a way i can access the object with findviewbyid method?
Pass context when you create your adapter, Use that context to get the inflated view.
Adapter adapter = new Adapter(this);
Then in Adpater Class constructor :
public Adapter(Context context){