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JADE Platform Communication

Basically I'm trying the same thing as asked here: Passing ACL messages between jade remote platforms

I have two programmes creating two main container and an agent respectively. I run both programmes on different machines and want to send a message from one agent to another. The answer suggested in the question linked to above does not work for me. The receiver side always throws a java.lang.OutOfMemoryError and the sender shows this:

jade.mtp.MTPException: Description: ResponseMessage is not OK

Sending a message if both agents run in different agent containers on different machines but in the same main container works, but that's not what I try to achieve. Hope you can help me.



public class Main {

public static void main(String[] args) {

    Runtime runtime = Runtime.instance();

    Profile p = new ProfileImpl();
    p.setParameter(Profile.MAIN_HOST, "");
    p.setParameter(Profile.MAIN_PORT, "1337");

    AgentContainer agentContainer = runtime.createMainContainer(p);

    try {
        AgentController ac = agentContainer.createNewAgent("hitman",Agent47.class.getName(),null);
        } catch (StaleProxyException e) {e.printStackTrace();}

public class Agent47 extends Agent {

    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

    protected void setup() {

        ACLMessage msg = new ACLMessage(ACLMessage.INFORM); 
        AID dest = new AID("AgentSmith@Matrix",AID.ISGUID);


public class Main {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Runtime runtime = Runtime.instance();

        Profile p = new ProfileImpl();              
        p.setParameter(Profile.MAIN_HOST, "");
        p.setParameter(Profile.MAIN_PORT, "4242");

        AgentContainer agentContainer = runtime.createMainContainer(p);

        try {
            AgentController ac = agentContainer.createNewAgent("AgentSmith",AgentSmith.class.getName(),null);
        } catch (StaleProxyException e) {e.printStackTrace();}

public class AgentSmith extends Agent {

    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

    protected void setup() {

        addBehaviour(new CyclicBehaviour(this){

            private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

            public void action() {
                 ACLMessage  msg = myAgent.receive();
                    if(msg != null){

                            String content = msg.getContent();
                            if (content != null) {
                                System.out.println("Received Request from "+msg.getSender().getLocalName());
                                System.out.println("Received Message : "+content);


        System.out.println("Setup done!");



  • Worked something out. In case others have the same problems, here my solution: I had to set the platform IP and also the IP for the MTP host.

    String host = ""; // Platform IP
    int port = 1099; // default-port 1099
    String MTP_hostIP = ""; 
    String MTP_Port = "7778";
    Runtime runtime = Runtime.instance();
    Profile profile = new ProfileImpl(host, port, null, true);  
    profile.setParameter(Profile.MTPS, "jade.mtp.http.MessageTransportProtocol(http://"+MTP_hostIP+":"+MTP_Port+"/acc)");
    // create container
    AgentContainer container = runtime.createMainContainer(profile);
    try {
        AgentController ac = container.createNewAgent("AgentSmith",AgentSmith.class.getName(),null);
    } catch (StaleProxyException e) {

    It also turned out that, if I used localhost for the host IP and the network IP for the MTP host, the communication would not properly work in my class B network. Setting both variables to the same IP solved that.