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How can I use Microsoft.Web.Administrator to get sites by Port number

I've an application that remotely stops/restarts app pools/sites and checks the status of the app pools/sites as well. At present these are managed using the DirectoryEntry class e.g.

private DirectoryEntry FindSite(int nPort)
    using (var sites = new DirectoryEntry(string.Format(m_adSitesPath,m_RemoteServerName)))

        foreach (DirectoryEntry de in sites.Children)
            if (de.SchemaClassName == "IIsWebServer")
                string port = GetNullableDirMultiValuePart(de, "ServerBindings", 0, 1);
                if (nPort == int.Parse(port))
                    return de;
    return null;

this method is failing on any servers running IIS 8, on another question it was suggested I should start looking at using the Microsoft.Web.Administrator classes. Could someone please point me in the right direction so I get a list of sites by Port using the Microsoft.Web.Administrator namespace?


  • The sample code is as below,

    private List<Site> FindSite(int nPort)
        var result = new List<Site>();
        var server = new ServerManager();
        foreach (Site site in server.Sites)
            foreach (Binding binding in site.Bindings)
                if (binding.EndPoint.Port == port)
        return result;

    where MWA defines strong types (Site, Binding, and so on) instead of DirectoryEntry which does not correspond to a meaningful type.

    You can find the class reference here,