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Puppet agent doesnt run each 5 minutes

I have a puppet agent that doesn't run each 5 minutes as I specified it on the [agent] section with the runinterval = 300 and it appears to be properly configured:

# puppet agent --configprint all|grep -i runinterval
runinterval = 300

Also I tried this:

# puppet agent --daemonize
# puppet resource service puppet ensure=running enable=true

But I'm still getting the same behavior, please note that the puppet service is currently running and in [agent] section also has the parameter "daemon" set to "true":

# /etc/init.d/puppet status
puppet (pid  30287) is running...

What else can I do to ensure that the service is running? Thanks in advance



    I found the problem, it was a line on /etc/sysconfig/puppet with the content:


    Once I commented out the line and restarted the daemon now it runs every 5 minutes. Thanks to @maxd for the clue