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Unity Facebook API - FB.API() Syntax

(Using Unity 5.2.2, Unity Facebook SDK 7.2.2)

I am trying to grab my Facebook profile picture once I am logged in, make it into a Sprite and setting it as an Image. The method FBLogin() is called when a Button is clicked..

public void FBLogin()
    perms = new List<string>() { "public_profile", "email", "user_friends" };
    FB.LogInWithReadPermissions(perms, AuthCallback);

private void AuthCallback(ILoginResult result)
    if (FB.IsLoggedIn)
        //Get Facebook Details
        Debug.Log("User cancelled login");

private void getUserInfoFromFacebook()
    FB.API("/v2.5/me?fields=id,name,picture", Facebook.Unity.HttpMethod.GET, DealWithProfilePicture);

private void DealWithProfilePicture(IGraphResult result)
    if (result.Error != null)
        Debug.Log("Problem with getting profile picture");
        FB.API("/v2.5/me?fields=id,name,picture",Facebook.Unity.HttpMethod.GET, DealWithProfilePicture);


    profile_picture.sprite = Sprite.Create(result.Texture, new Rect(0,0,128,128), new Vector2(0,0));


I can't get the hang of the API syntax at all - it produces the error 400 Bad Request. Can somebody help me out with the syntax?



  • You can see in that documentation that the picture is not a field of the user, but an extra edge, which can be retrieved by requesting /me/picture:

    FB.API("/me/picture",HttpMethod.GET,delegate(IGraphResult result) {
        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(result.Error))
            Debug.Log("received texture with resolution "+result.Texture.width + "x" + result.Texture.height);
            profile_picture.sprite = Sprite.Create(result.Texture, new Rect(0,0,128,128), new Vector2(0,0));
            Debug.LogWarning("received error="+result.Error);