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Removing ExecControl to upgrade to Ratpack v1.1.1?

I am learning Ratpack and working from multiple resources. I have the following interface and class that works in Ratpack v0.9.18 but fails in v1.1.1 because of removal of the ExecControl interface.

//file: src/main/groovy/app/UserService.groovy
package app
import ratpack.exec.Promise
interface UserService {
  Promise<Void> save (User user)
  Promise<List<User>> getUsers ()

//file: src/main/groovy/app/DefaultUserService.groovy
package app
import ratpack.exec.ExecControl
import ratpack.exec.Promise
class DefaultUserService implements UserService {
  private final List storage = []
  Promise<Void> save (User user) {
    storage << user
    ExecControl.current ().promiseOf (null)
  Promise<List<User>> getUsers () {
    ExecControl.current ().promiseOf (storage)

I thought that changing the line with ExecControl with:

Promise.of (storage)

would work but results in

MissingMethodException: No signature of method: static ratpack.exec.Promise.of() is applicable for argument types: (java.util.ArrayList).

The Promise.of () method is expecting a type of ratpack.exec.Upstream.

How should the above DefaultUserService class be modified to work with Ratpack v1.1.1?


  • Promise.of(Upstream) is a way to signal the result of some process to downstream consumers. You can signal whether or not something completed successfully via Downstream#error(Throwable) or Downstream#success(value)

    You can also create a Promise from a known value via Promise.value(value)

    In addition to Promise Ratpack also provides ratpack.exec.Operation which is like a Promise<Void> in that it represents async work with no return type.

    I've put together a sample to demonstrate the various ways to create a representation of async work.

    import ratpack.exec.Operation
    import ratpack.exec.Promise
    import ratpack.handling.Context
    import ratpack.jackson.Jackson
    import static ratpack.groovy.Groovy.ratpack
    class User { String name }
    class UserService {
        private final List<User> storage = []
        Operation save(User user) {
            storage << user
        Promise<List<User>> getUsers() {
            Promise.of { downstream -> downstream.success(storage) }
            // or
    //      Promise.value(storage)
    ratpack {
        bindings {
            bindInstance new UserService()
        handlers {
            get { Context ctx, UserService userService ->
            get('add/:name') { UserService userService ->
       User(name: pathTokens.get('name')))
                        .then { render 'User saved' }

    Here are some sample curl commands I've executed against this:

    $ curl localhost:5050
    $ curl localhost:5050/add/dan
    User saved
    $ curl localhost:5050/
    $ curl localhost:5050/add/luke
    User saved
    $ curl localhost:5050/