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iron router reload specific header element

I'm trying to reload a specific element in my Meteor app. I am new to Meteor, but I've at least gotten the client-side routing down to prevent reloading.

I'm basically trying to reload a small piece of text in the header, even though the header itself isn't reloading when the route changes.

Here's my router JS:

  layoutTemplate: 'PageLayout',
  yieldTemplates: {
    'Footer': {to: 'Footer'},
    'Header': {to: 'Header'}
Router.route('/', {name: 'Home'});

Here's my layout:

<template name="PageLayout">
    {{> yield "Header"}}

  <section id="page-container">
    {{> yield}}

    {{> yield "Footer"}}

And here's basically what my header template looks like:

<template name="Header">
  <span>'{{text}}'</span> <!-- this is what I'm trying to change when the route changes -->
  <nav id="main-menu">
    <a href="/">Home</a>
    <a href="/about">About</a>

Any suggestions?



  • Let's say you want that header to reflect the current route name. Just make a template helper that returns it:

      text: function(){
        return Router.current().route.getName();