I'm following both the requirejs and preloadjs docs to the letter but can't get requirejs to obtain a reference to createjs. Here's my config:
baseUrl: "script/module",
paths: {
createjs: "/bower_components/PreloadJS/lib/preloadjs-0.6.1.min"
"createjs": {
exports: "createjs"
And then in my mainjs:
function (createjs) {
//At this point all controllers are loaded and ready to go
return {};
...but creatjs when logged outputs this obect:
noConflict: ()
parse: parse()
runInContext: a(b,d)
stringify: stringify()
__proto__: Object
What am I missing? Or is this a bug? I'm on require 2.1.2 and preloadjs 0.6.1. This is extremely frustrating because I've used all forms of shims, renaming, and even removed the baseUrl. I've started from scratch multiple times.
Also, I've tried replacing all references to "createjs" with "preloadjs". Problem is that the global object "createjs" is what's available in the global namespace (and as you'd expect I can access it from within requirejs).
I've opened this as a preloadjs issue on github here, but received no response as of yet. https://github.com/CreateJS/PreloadJS/issues/171
Thanks for any help!
You can take the compiled (minified) createjs code and add the following at the very end to make the entire library a single AMD module.
if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd) {
define(function() {
return window.createjs;
In the case of preloadjs specifically, just return the PreloadJS variable reference instead of createjs.
if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd) {
define(function() {
return window.createjs.PreloadJS;
This, of course, still leaves createjs in the global namespace, though.