There is a component UserListWidget
with following container definition:
fragments: {
users: () => Relay.QL`
fragment on User @relay(plural: true) {
There is also parent component that needs to render connection of users as plain list. But following won't work:
<UserListWidget users={ => edge.node)} />
It fails with error:
Invariant Violation: RelayContainer: Invalid prop `users` supplied to `UserListWidget`, expected element at index 0 to have query data.
Changing UserListWidget
to accept userConnection instead of plain list of users is not an option, because it is a generic component and other parent components will only provide lists of users, not connections.
So I guess there should be a way to treat connection as plain list of nodes somehow?
This error can occur if the parent component doesn't include the child fragment. Does the parent include userConnection(...) { edges { node { ${UserListWidget.getFragment('users')} } } }