i have a Part with toolbar and there is also a TableViewer. Int toolbar i have an edit button, which should be active only when a row in table viewer is selected.
i have added a condition to handler's canExecute method. i can see that this method executes when i click some buttons, but it does not execute when selection in TableViewer is changed, so it does not recognize that the edit button in toolbar should activate.
Maybe i can trigger an exucution of @CanExecute when selection in TableViewer is changed or maybe there is another way?
You can execute the handler using:
ECommandService commandService;
EHandlerService handlerService;
ParameterizedCommand command = commandService.createCommand("command id", Collections.emptyMap());
if (handlerService.canExecute(command)) {
"command id" is the id of the command that your handler is handling.
You can request that the tool bar be updated using:
IEventBroker eventBroker;