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is it possible to read a HTML source that produces a json output in icCube?

I am trying to read the following output from a HTML source (source is updated each 30 minutes):

{"un":"Watt","tm":"2015-11-21T15:57:00","dt":60,"val":["  510","  504","  504","  498","  498","  498","  498","  498","  498","  492","  492","  504","  522","  522","  516","  528","  528","  534","  522","  522","  504","  498","  498","  486","  486","  540","  528","  528","  534","  528",null]}

but I can not get it to work.

Is it possible to somehow indicate that the result is a json file, or do I have to aks someone to create an ETL plugin for this?

Is there a simple way to do this?


  • Yes indeed, you would need to create a plugin for that purpose.