I am wondering if it is possible to render a scene to multiple render targets in a single pass (or anything faster than drawing it several times through client code). I want to optimize some code that is being rendered to several textures of varying dimensions (512 by 512, 256 by 256, 128 by 128 and 64 by 64 for example).
I realize I could use mip maps derived from the original target, but I don't want to blend colors. I suspect that mip mapping will take average from a few texels, but for my purposes I just want the unretouched rendering, as rendered by the graphics card. If there is any setting for mipmaps that allow this, then it's also considerable as a feasible solution.
On a side note, does anyone know if mipmaps are generated on the CPU or GPU?
Thanks for reading.
There is no possible solution for your question. MRTs can't work with different resolutions. Mipmaping can't produces smaller textures that look exacly the same as the original. Actually, there is absolutely no way to do that AFAIK. With new graphics cards, mipmaps are generated on GPU. One question: why are you rendering to square targets?