I would like to be able to mass add a certain text string to a DB table's row.
Example table look like this:
description d -id -name -tag
If d.name has LIKE %text% add 'Tag text' to d.tag.
But d.tag will have data (text) and I would like to add the new text to it.
You can use the function CONCAT to append text to d.tag
like this:
UPDATE description d
SET d.tag = CONCAT(d.tag, 'Tag text')
WHERE d.name LIKE '%text%';
EDIT: Solution for the first comment (but please see my comment on why this is a bad way to solve the problem):
UPDATE description d
SET d.tag = CONCAT(d.tag, 'Tag text')
WHERE d.name LIKE '%text%' and d.tag = '';
UPDATE description d
SET d.tag = CONCAT(d.tag, ', Tag text')
WHERE d.name LIKE '%text%' and d.tag != '';