There are columns B through Z in the table. I want to sum the column that contains "Mar-15" as the heading, provided column A's value is greater than or equal to "Mar-15".
So, if I have the following in Sheet1 -
1 Mar-15 Apr-15 May-15 Jun-15
2 Feb-15 1 2 3 4
3 Mar-15 100 200 300 400
4 Apr-15 1000 2000 3000 4000
5 May-15 10000 20000 30000 40000
And I have the following in columns Y and Z -
1 Month Value
2 Mar-15 ?
I want to be able to write a formula in Z2, that sums the values in the column which has the heading equal to Y2, and where column A is greater than or equal to Y2. So here, the required answer for the formula would be 1110 since Y2 contains Mar-15.
To be clearer, if Y2 contains Apr-15, then the result in Z2 should be 22000
Now, I have the formula
which gives me 2, which is the column index in the first row, that matches with the value in Y2.
Then, I modify it to get the address of the heading -
This gives me $B$1. To get the column alone, I am doing =LEFT(ADDRESS(1,MATCH(Y2,$1:$1,0)),2)
which gives me $B
Now, I want to do a SUMIFS
of the column returned by this address function, and specify the condition that column A should be greater than the value in Y2.
What should something be? Depending on the value in Y2, the column which I want summed can be different. So what formula do I insert in place of something?
I tried LEFT(ADDRESS(1,MATCH(Y2,$1:$1,0)),2):LEFT(ADDRESS(1,MATCH(Y2,$1:$1,0)),2)
since LEFT(ADDRESS(1,MATCH(Y2,$1:$1,0)),2)
gives me $B and I presumed this formula would give me $B:$B, but that doesn't work.
A row or column can be 'spliced' out of a rectangular matrix with the INDEX function. A , 0,
or empty parameter (e.g. , ,
) is used to note all cells in the opposite parameter. In this case, a 0 will mean all rows in the column that is selected.
The formula in Z2 can be one either of these,
=SUMIF(A:A, ">="&Y2, INDEX(B:E, 0, MATCH(Y2, B$1:E$1, 0)))
=SUMIFS(INDEX(B:E, 0, MATCH(Y2, B$1:E$1, 0)),A:A, ">="&Y2)
If you have additional values in Y3, etc. fill down as necessary.