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Getting Values of a JSON Object using webmeothd in

I got stuck while getting value of a JSON object in My JSON request posts data like given below:

function submitEmail() {
    var ClientsPersonalInfo = {
        FullName: $("#FullName").val(),
        PhoneNumber: $("#PhoneNumber").val(),
        EmailAddress: $("#EmailAddress").val(),
        DOB: $("#DOB").val(),
        Occupation: $("#Occupation").val(),
        NINumber: $("#NINumber").val(),
        FullAddress: $("#FullAddress").val()

    var ClientsData = {};
    ClientsData.ClientsPersonalInfo = ClientsPersonalInfo;

    var d = '{"ClientsData":' + JSON.stringify(ClientsData) + '}'

        type: "POST",
        url: "add-new-client.aspx/SubmitEmail", // WebMethod Call
        data: d,
        contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
        dataType: "json",
        success: function (response) {
        failure: function (msg) {

JSON Object Looks Like

"ClientsPersonalInfo": {
    "FullName": "",
    "PhoneNumber": "",
    "EmailAddress": "",
    "DOB": "",
    "Occupation": "",
    "NINumber": "",
    "FullAddress": ""

The above request returns an object in

VB Code:

<WebMethod()> _
    Public Shared Function SubmitEmail(ByVal ClientsPersonalInfo As Object) As String
        'What to do next to get object "ClientsPersonalInfo"
        'I want to access properties of the object like
        'Dim name As String = ClientsPersonalInfo.FullName

        Return "Successfully Converted."
    End Function

No I want to get values of this object and needs to append in a table. Please guide me how to get values of the above object? I am new in Please guide. Thanks!


  • First, you need to add the ClientsData and ClientsPersonalInfo classes to your web service:

    Public Class ClientsPersonalInfo
         Public Property FullName As String
         Public Property PhoneNumber As String
         Public Property EmailAddress As String
         Public Property DOB As String
         Public Property Occupation As String
         Public Property NINumber As String
         Public Property FullAddress As String
     End Class
     Public Class RootObject
         Public Property ClientsPersonalInfo As ClientsPersonalInfo
     End Class

    Now, you can simply change the parameter type in your web service method and .Net engine will do the parsing for you:

    <WebMethod()> _
    Public Shared Function SubmitEmail(ByVal MyClientsPersonalInfo As ClientsPersonalInfo) As String
        'You can access properties of the object like
        Dim name As String = MyClientsPersonalInfo.FullName
        Return "Successfully Converted."
    End Function