I have a large data set (matrix of 0s and 1s) with 20 variables(each variable is an item) and about 100 rows (each row is a transaction). I use "arules" package in R for association rule mining.
I am only interested by rules with rhs=1 and lhs=1 (I mean all the item have to be true if I want to use the data later). I don't know how to select or classify my rules to keep only the rules I need.
For example with my data:
{hautvert=1,basintermediaire=1} => {basvert=1} 0.1190476 1.0000000 4.941176
1235 {hautlarge=1,basbleu=0} => {basvert=1} 0.1309524 0.9166667 4.529412
1274 {hautvert=1,basblanc=0} => {basvert=1} 0.2023810 0.8947368 4.421053
1808 {hautlarge=1,pantalon=1} => {baslarge=1} 0.1071429 1.0000000 4.421053
1811 {hautbleu=1,hautlarge=1} => {baslarge=1} 0.1071429 1.0000000 4.421053
1889 {basbleu=1,pantalon=1} => {baslarge=1} 0.1071429 1.0000000 4.421053
2261 {hautintermediaire=1,pantalon=1} => {basblanc=1} 0.1428571 1.0000000 4.200000
2291 {basserre=1,pantalon=1} => {basblanc=1} 0.1428571 1.0000000 4.200000
2294 {hautbleu=0,pantalon=1} => {basblanc=1} 0.1428571 1.0000000 4.200000
1256 {hautvert=1,basserre=0} => {basvert=1} 0.2023810 0.8095238 4.000000
I need to have only the rules such as the first line where the both items are equals to 1 on the lhs and where the rhs is also equal to 1.
Thank you very much for your help.
Have a look at ?arules::subset
, ?`%pin%`
and ?apriori
in the details section):
rules <- apriori(Adult, parameter = list(minlen = 2))
rules.sub <- subset(rules, subset = lhs %pin% "relationship" & rhs %pin% "sex" & lift > 1.4 & support > 0.4)
as(rules.sub, "data.frame")
# rules support confidence lift
# 80 {relationship=Husband} => {sex=Male} 0.4036485 0.9999493 1.495851
# 550 {marital-status=Married-civ-spouse,relationship=Husband} => {sex=Male} 0.4034028 0.9999492 1.495851