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CakePHP 3 on Bluehost Console Commands Do Not Function

I'm attempting to get a CakePHP 3 app setup on a shared hosting solution provided by Bluehost. When I attempt to bin/cake bake from a console (or any cake commands, really) I get the following output:

# Bake is a shell script for running CakePHP bake script
# CakePHP(tm) :  Rapid Development Framework (
# Copyright (c) Cake Software Foundation, Inc. (
# Licensed under The MIT License
# For full copyright and license information, please see the LICENSE.txt
# Redistributions of files must retain the above copyright notice.
# @copyright     Copyright (c) Cake Software Foundation, Inc. (
# @link CakePHP(tm) Project
# @since         1.2.0
# @license MIT License

# Canonicalize by following every symlink of the given name recursively
canonicalize() {
        if [ -f "$NAME" ]
                DIR=$(dirname -- "$NAME")
                NAME=$(cd -P "$DIR" > /dev/null && pwd -P)/$(basename -- "$NAME")
        while [ -h "$NAME" ]; do
                DIR=$(dirname -- "$NAME")
                SYM=$(readlink "$NAME")
                NAME=$(cd "$DIR" > /dev/null && cd $(dirname -- "$SYM") > /dev/null && pwd)/$(basename -- "$SYM")
        echo "$NAME"

CONSOLE=$(dirname -- "$(canonicalize "$0")")
APP=$(dirname "$CONSOLE")

exec php "$CONSOLE"/cake.php "$@"

My folder structure is currently set as :


Generated with the code:

php composer.phar create-project --prefer-dist cakephp/app app

I've also attempted to set up the app outside of public_html, but I have no idea where to look for other potential issues.

It looks like my cake commands aren't actually being run.


  • I had same problem on Hostmonster server, which is same or similar to Bluehost. The following appears to work:

    php-cli bin/cake.php bake

    This is same as suggestion from Arak Tai'Roth above, but with "php-cli".