I am using Ember-simple-auth
to authenticate my routes, and is working fine. I have:
login - login route
index - after login in ok
And i'm using the ember-cli-notification to pop up this message:
"Welcome USER NAME"
Like this, in IndexController:
export default Ember.Controller.extend({
init () {
message: 'Welcome USER NAME',
type: 'success',
autoClear: true,
clearDuration: 5000
I would like to ask... how can i access the properties of the current logged user? I'm in a complete different controller, so i don't have any idea in how can i do that...
And.. i would like to ask if possible.. i am using the init function for this.. am i doing it right?
Use session
service. If you return the current user's details in the response, they are persisted in session.data.authenticated
// app/controllers/index.js
import Ember from 'ember';
export default Ember.Controller.extend({
session: Ember.inject.service(),
init () {
message: `Welcome ${this.get('session.data.authenticated.name')}`,
type: 'success',
autoClear: true,
clearDuration: 5000
Hope it helps...