I have problem figuring out why My Jersey RESTful entry point can't find the Spring Bean that I configure when the app server starts. It kept getting NullPointerException after trying from
<context:annotation-config />
<context:component-scan base-package="com.testing.config, com.testing.repository, com.testing.workflow" />
<bean id="propertyConfigurer"
<property name="location">
Jersey servlet entry point
public class UserResource
private UserWorkFlow userWorkFlow;
public Response getAllItems(@PathParam("userId") String userId)
// ** NullPointerException here complains about the UserWorkFlow
return Response.status(200).entity(userWorkFlow.getItemsFor(userId)).build();
Service layer
I also tried to make an interface for this but it didn't work.
public class UserWorkFlow
private AllItems allItems;
public List<Item> getItemsFor(String id)
return allItems.getItemsFor(id);
Repository and DAO
public class AllItems
private ItemSql itemSql;
public List<Item> getItemsFor(String id)
return itemSql.getAllItemsFor(id);
MyBatis Mapper (this has a XML associated with it)
public interface UserSql
List<Item> getAllItemsFor(@Param("userId") String userId);
I also changed to com.sun.jersey
from org.glassfish.jersey
but didn't work. I am running out of ideas what could be wrong. Can anyone spot what did I do wrong ?
The link I provided for your previous question had links to four fully working examples. You could have easily just grabbed one of the examples and built on top of it.
I will just walk you through one of the examples. Maybe it was too hard to follow. I will use the Jersey 2.x with Spring XML config.
First, make sure you have the dependencies (only showing versions to ones not shown in the pom)
jersey-container-servlet: 2.22.1
spring-web: 3.2.3.RELEASE
jersey-spring3: 2.22.1
. (Notice the snapshot project uses jersey-spring*4*
. This is not yet released, and will be released in the next Jersey release)Second, make sure your web.xml
is in order
Third, add your applicationContext.xml
to the project class-path.
Fouth, the MyApplication
class listed in the previous web.xml.
If you follow the example to the T, you will have a working example. It may not be the exact way you want to configure your Spring components, but you will have a working example you can build off of and tweak around to see what works and what doesn't. When you get more comfortable, you can see the other examples (in the first link of this answer) for other configuration styles/options.