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AngularJS - ngSwitch with multi dimension array

I'm trying to change the display result according to a given array structure. I thought that I could do so with ng-switch, but can't find the way to solve it.

I have this json:

0: {size: 1, room: 1, id: 1, name: "",…}
huesped: {id: 1, name: "Pablo", lastname: "Bertran", passport: "33025915N", birth: "1987-04-14", country: 10,…}
id: 1
name: ""
room: 1
size: 1
stay: {id: 1, booking: 0, room: 1, bed: 1, guest: 1, indate: "2015-11-02", outdate: "2015-12-02", hotel: 1,…}
1: {size: 1, room: 1, id: 2, name: ""}
2: {size: 1, room: 1, id: 3, name: ""}
3: {size: 1, room: 1, id: 4, name: ""}
4: {size: 1, room: 1, id: 5, name: ""}
5: {size: 1, room: 1, id: 6, name: ""}
6: {size: 2, room: 2, id: 7, name: "1"}

The thing is. If 'huesped' position is declared, i need A scenario. If > 0, scenario B. If no stay declared, scenario C.

I tried this code: (Assuming that the json is in $scope.beds)

                    <div ng-switch on="bed">
                        <div ng-switch-when="bed.huesped">
                            <div class="md-list-item-text" ng-click="accion(, 2)" style="background-color: rgba(0,0,255,0.7);">
                                <h3>Cama - {{}}</h3>
                                <h4>{{ }} {{ bed.huesped.lastname }}</h4>
                        <div ng-switch-when="">
                            <div class="md-list-item-text" ng-click="accion(, 3)" style="background-color: rgba(255,0,0,0.7);">
                                <h3>Cama - {{}}</h3>
                                <h4>{{ }}</h4>
                        <div ng-switch-default>
                            <div class="md-list-item-text" ng-click="accion(, 1)" style="background-color: rgba(0,255,0,0.7);">
                                <h3>Cama - {{}}</h3>
                                <h4>{{::bed.size}} Plaza(s)</h4>

I know something's wrong. Don't know if some detail in the code, or if ng-switch isn't able to do what I need. Hope you can help me.


  • says:

    Be aware that the attribute values to match against cannot be expressions. They are interpreted as literal string values to match against. For example, ng-switch-when="someVal" will match against the string "someVal" not against the value of the expression $scope.someVal.

    Your problem is easily resolved with ng-if.