I have a controller (say SampleController), in which it gets data (as following html text) from $http service & assigning it to $scope.htmlText
<p>This is some content text
<span class='sampleClassDirective' pid='1'>P1 Value</span>
some other text
<span class='sampleClassDirective' pid='2'>P2 Value</span>
some more text </p>
I want to render this html text in a view. As it is html text, I can use ng-html-bind directive to render the html-text as it is.
but i want to compile the html text, so that directives inside html text can get their templates if any
Actual problem starts here
This directive uses ui.bootstrap popover component in its template
return {
template:'<span uib-popover="This is pid">'+
Now, I want to compile the whole htmlText which I got in sampleController, so that the "sampleClassDirective" & "uib-popover" both gets compiled.
So In view I gave
<div id='htmlContent' ng-bind-html='render()'></div>
In sampleController
$scope.render = function(){
var elm = angular.element(htmlText);
// compiling each directive
var classDirectives = $(elm).find(".sampleClassDirective");
for(var i=0, iMax=classDirectives.length; i<iMax; i++){
// or can we compile all htmlText at once?
// elm = $compile(elm)($scope)
return $sce.trustAsHtml($(elm).html());
**Question : **
Putting an executed function on an an angular directive typically screws with the digest cycle. I would try putting the output of render on a different variable and adding that to ng-bind html, e.g
$scope.renderedOutput = $scope.render();
<div id='htmlContent' ng-bind-html='renderedOutput'></div>