For the following mock:
class MockUI8CBuff : public UI8CBuff_I {
MOCK_METHOD2(put, unsigned(const uint8_t* start, unsigned n));
And the following Test Snippet
MockUI8CBuff BFO;
uint8_t arr[] = {1, 2, 3};
EXPECT_CALL(BFO, put(ElementsAreArray(arr, 3), 2))
I Get the following Error
/home/sporty/ws-ccs/googletest/googlemock/include/gmock/gmock-matchers.h|3114 col 20| error: type 'StlContainer' (aka 'const unsigned char *') cannot be used prior to '::' because it has no members
|| typedef typename StlContainer::value_type Element;
|| ^
/home/sporty/ws-ccs/googletest/googlemock/include/gmock/gmock-matchers.h|3532 col 28| note: in instantiation of template class 'testing::internal::ElementsAreMatcherImpl<const unsigned char *>' requested here
|| return MakeMatcher(new ElementsAreMatcherImpl<Container>(
|| ^
miwt-os/coap/unittest/cbor_encoder_test.cpp|126 col 26| note: in instantiation of function template specialization 'testing::internal::ElementsAreArrayMatcher<unsigned char>::operator Matcher<const unsigned char *>' requested here
|| EXPECT_CALL(BFO, put(::testing::ElementsAreArray(arr, 3), 2))
|| ^
/home/sporty/ws-ccs/googletest/googlemock/include/gmock/gmock-spec-builders.h|1845 col 61| note: expanded from macro 'EXPECT_CALL'
|| #define EXPECT_CALL(obj, call) GMOCK_EXPECT_CALL_IMPL_(obj, call)
|| ^
/home/sporty/ws-ccs/googletest/googlemock/include/gmock/gmock-spec-builders.h|1844 col 20| note: expanded from macro 'GMOCK_EXPECT_CALL_IMPL_'
|| ((obj).gmock_##call).InternalExpectedAt(__FILE__, __LINE__, #obj, #call)
|| ^
|| 1 error generated.
miwt-os/coap/unittest/cbor_encoder.makefile|109| recipe for target 'cbor_encoder_test.o' failed
|| make: *** [cbor_encoder_test.o] Error 1
Why do I get this error? The following works:
EXPECT_CALL(BFO, put(Pointee(1), 2))
Pointers cannot be compared to arrays. You should use the syntax like so:
EXPECT_CALL(BFO, put(_, _))
.With(Args<0,1>(ElementsAre(1, 2, 3))); // ElementsAreArray can also be used