I have the following wich run a shellcode which works fine:
unsigned char original[] =
void *exec = VirtualAlloc(0, sizeof original, MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE);
memcpy(exec, original, sizeof original);
When I try to run the same shellcode stored in 2 distincts array I got an access violation:
unsigned char part1[] =
unsigned char part2[] = "\x9b\xf8\x3a\x72\x12\x1d\x0b\xb2\x40\x55\x3c\x02\x03\x3b\xb1"
//build the final shellcode array
unsigned char * concatenation = (unsigned char*)malloc(sizeof (part1)+sizeof(part2)+1);
memcpy(concatenation, part1, sizeof part1);
memcpy(concatenation + sizeof part1 , part2, sizeof part2);
//allocationg memory and running it
void *exec = VirtualAlloc(0, sizeof concatenation, MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE);
memcpy(exec, concatenation, sizeof concatenation);
I'm trying to make the second example works but I got an access violation error. what am I doing wrong ? Thanks.
this the modified code following alain and Colonel Thirty Two advices, I get now the following error :"test.exe has triggered a breakpoint"
unsigned char part1[] =
unsigned char part2[] = "\x9b\xf8\x3a\x72\x12\x1d\x0b\xb2\x40\x55\x3c\x02\x03\x3b\xb1"
unsigned char * concatenation = (unsigned char*)malloc(sizeof (part1)+sizeof(part2));
memcpy(concatenation, part1-1, sizeof part1);
memcpy(concatenation + sizeof part1 , part2, sizeof part2);
printf("%d", sizeof(original));
void *exec = VirtualAlloc(0, sizeof (*concatenation), MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE);
memcpy(exec, concatenation, sizeof(*concatenation));
Working code:
unsigned char * concatenation = (unsigned char*)malloc(sizeof (part1)+sizeof(part2));
memcpy(concatenation, part1, sizeof part1);
memcpy(concatenation + sizeof part1-1, part2, sizeof part2);
void *exec = VirtualAlloc(0, sizeof(part1) + sizeof(part2), MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE);
memcpy(exec, concatenation, sizeof(part1)+sizeof(part2));
A string literal is nul-terminated, and the terminating nul-byte is counted by sizeof
. So you have one nul-byte in the middle of the final array, when using the 2-array version.
If you change
memcpy(concatenation + sizeof part1 , part2, sizeof part2);
memcpy(concatenation + sizeof part1 - 1, part2, sizeof part2);
I think it should work.
There is also an error with sizeof concatenation
, as pointed out by Colonel Thirty Two.