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How to obtain the information inside a gridpane (javaFX)

I have a method that creates new TextFields in a gridPane (2x8). I was wondering, once they are created, how do I access the information within each index (as in: 0,0 - 1,0, etc).

Here's the code:

private void llenarGridJugadores(ArrayList<NodoJugadores> array)
    if( (array.get(0).getCategoria() == 3) && (array.get(0).getSexo().equalsIgnoreCase("m")) )
        for(int i = 0 ; i < array.size() ; i++)
            TextField text = new TextField(array.get(i).getNombre());
            grid.add(text, i, 0);
    else if( (array.get(0).getCategoria() == 3) && (array.get(0).getSexo().equalsIgnoreCase("f")) )
        for(int i = 0 ; i < array.size() ; i++)
            TextField text = new TextField(array.get(i).getNombre());
            grid.add(text, 1, i);

And here's what I'm trying to do:

public ArrayList<NodoJugadores> retornarGridJugadores(ArrayList<NodoJugadores> array, NodoCategorias aux)
    if( (aux.getNumCategoria() == 3) && (aux.getSexo().equalsIgnoreCase("m")) )
        for(int i = 0 ; i < array.size() ; i++)


  • I stored the components in a List of a new class I created. Then I iterated through the list to check if a node existed at (row,col).

    public class Triple{
        Node n;
        int row;
        int col;
        public Triple(Node n,int row, int col){
            this.row = row;
            this.col = col;
            this.n = n;

    This class is to store a node to respective position.

     public static Node getItem(List <Triple> l, int findRow, int findCol){
        for(int i=0; i < l.size(); i++){
            if(l.get(i).row == findRow && l.get(i).col == findCol){
                return l.get(i).n;
        return null;

    This static class takes in the list, desired row and desired column. Then, if exists an element at (row,col), it returns the node.

    public static void testThis(){
         List <Triple> list = new ArrayList<>();
         GridPane gp = new GridPane();
         Text a1 = new Text("Click here");
         Text a2 = new Text("Click there");
         gp.add(a1, 5, 5);
         gp.add(a2, 5, 5);
         for(int i=0; i<gp.getChildren().size; i++){
               list.add(new Triple(gp.getChildren().get(i),
                    GridPane.getRowIndex(gp.getChildren().get(i)), GridPane.getColumnIndex(gp.getChildren().get(i))));
            Text tempText = (Text) getItem (list, 5, 5);

    Produces "Click here"