This is WIX script fragment
<Custom Action="Warning" After="InstallFinalize">NOT INSTALLED</Custom>
<CustomAction Id="Warning" BinaryKey="ExtendedActions" DllEntry="WarningAboutUpgrade" Execute="immediate" Return="check"/>
<Binary Id="ExtendedActions" SourceFile="$(var.ExtendedActions.TargetDir)$(var.ExtendedActions.TargetName).CA.dll" />
This is c# custom action code
using Microsoft.Deployment.WindowsInstaller;
namespace ExtendedActions
public class CustomActions
public static ActionResult WarningAboutUpgrade(Session session)
session.Log($"Begin CustomAction WarningAboutUpgrade");
session.Message(InstallMessage.Info, new Record { FormatString = "Product updated. To upgrade Project execute initHeating.ps1 }" });
return ActionResult.Success;
during the install process Message is not shown;
That's because you call session.Message with the parameter InstallMessage.Info. This causes that the text will not be shown to the user. The message can be found in the log-file instead. This behaviour is by design.
To archive your goal change the first parameter to InstallMessage.Warning or InstallMessage.Error
session.Message(InstallMessage.Warning, new Record
FormatString = "Product updated. To upgrade Project execute initHeating.ps1"