Search code examples

navigate to nested named view with ui-router

In app I have named view mainContent.

    <div class = "wrapper"
         ui-view = "mainContent">

I have only one route for this view.

            url: "/home",
            views: {
                'mainContent': {
                    templateUrl: "app/home/home.html"

I load home.html to named view mainContent view which has also named view appContent.


    <div class = "row"
         ui-view = "appContent">

Routes for nested named view appContent are here.

            parent: "home",
            abstract: true,
            url: "/request"
        .state("request.create", {
            url: "/create",
            views: {
                appContent: {
                    templateUrl: "app/requests/create/createRequest.html",
                    controller: "RequestController as vm"

When I try load http://.../#/home/request/create RequestController is not created and also view createRequest.html is not loaded.

From view navigate to request.create state with :

<a ui-sref = "request.create"><i class = "fa fa-plus"></i>New</a>



  • Your "request" state needs its own template an ui-view where you can open its child view

            url: "/home",
            views: {
                'mainContent': {
                    template: "<div class ='row' ui-view ='appContent'></div>"
            parent: "home",
            abstract: true,
            url: "/request",
            views: {
                'appContent': {
                    template: "<div class ='row' ui-view ='requestContent'></div>"
        .state("request.create", {
            url: "/create",
            views: {
                'requestContent': {
                    template: "<p>Create Request</p>"

    This works for me. Proof: