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Measuring Internal Network Speed/Bandwidth in Java

I need to be able to monitor the speed of my internal network using java. I was thinking I could use a two part system with a server and a client. I do not need need response time such as what is generated with ping but and actual speed in mbps for upload and download.

My idea would be to have the Server send a packet or series of packets to the client which then replies and then the Server would calculate the speed of the network between those two points. Does anyone have any idea how I could implement this?

Thank You ahead of time.


  • Hmm, an interesting problem. I hope you like reading... :-)

    I'd be interested to know how the monitoring tool would be used. At work, the sysadmins just have a couple of large screens in the room, showing a webpage containing loads of network stats, with it constantly updating.

    The rest of my description assumes the network monitoring tool would be used as described above. If you just want to be able to do an ad-hoc test between two random hosts on your network, I'd just use rsync to transfer a reasonably large file (about 1 - 2MB). I'm sure there are other file transfer tools that calculate the transfer speed too.

    When implementing this, (especially within a large network) you must minimise the risk that the test floods the network, hampering the people (or programs) actually using it. You don't want to be blamed for a massive slowdown (or worse, an outage) just because you were conducting a test. Your sysadmins won't thank you...

    I'd architect the tool in the following way:

    1. Bob is a server which participates in an individual 'test' by doing the following:

      1. Bob receives a request from a client. The request states how much data the client is about to send.
      2. If the amount of data proposed to be sent is not too large, wait for the data. Otherwise Bob rejects the request immediately and ends the communication.
      3. Once the required number of bytes has been received, reply with the amount of time it took to receive it all. Bob terminates the communication.
    2. Alice is the component that displays the result of the measurements taken (via a webpage or otherwise). Alice is a long lived process (maybe a web server), configured to periodically connect to a list of Bob servers. For each configured Bob:

      1. Send Bob a request with the amount of data Alice is about to send.
      2. Send Bob the specified amount of data, as fast as possible.
      3. Await the reply from Bob, and compute the network speed.
      4. 'Display' the result for this instance of Bob. You may choose to display an aggregate result. For example, the average result for each of the last 20 tests, to iron out any anomalies...
    3. When conducting a given test, Alice should report any failures. E.g. 'a TCP connection could not be established with Bob', or 'Bob prematurely terminated the transfer' or whatever else...

    4. Scatter Bob servers to strategic locations in your (possibly large) network, and configure Alice to go them. For each instance of Bob, you should configure

      1. The time interval in between tests.
      2. The 'leeway' (I'll explain this in a bit).
      3. The amount of data to send to Bob for each test.
      4. Bob's address (duh).
    5. You want to 'stagger' the tests that a given Alice will attempt. You don't want Alice to trigger the test to all Bob servers at once, thereby flooding your network, possibly giving skewed results and so forth. Allow the test to occur at a randomised time in the future. For example, if the test interval is every 10 minutes, configure a 'leeway' of 1 minute, meaning the next test might occur anywhere between 9 and 11 minutes' time.

    6. If there is to be more than one Alice running at a time, the total number of instances should be small. The more Alices you have, the more you interfere with the network. Again, you don't want to be responsible for an outage.

    7. The amount of data Alice should send in an individual test should be small. 500KB? You probably want a given test to run for no more than 10 seconds. Maybe get Bob to timeout if the test takes too long.

    I've deliberately omitted the transport to use (TCP, UDP, whatever) because you'll get issues depending on the transport, and I don't know how you want to handle those issues. For example, you'd have to consider how to handle dropped datagrams with UDP. What result would you compute? You don't get this issue with TCP, because it automatically retransmits dropped packets. With TCP, your throughput will be artificially low if the two endpoints are far away from each other. Here's some info on it.

    If you had the patience to read this far, I hope it helped!