I feel like this should be easy, but for the love of it I cannot get it right. I've read and tested for hours, trying different approaches I have found on the interwebs, both with simpleXML and PHP XML DOM, but none of them works just the way I need.
I got somewhat close, after tweaking and combining a few answers (that I cannot even find the way back to cause I've been through so many of them here), but not entirely correct.
My code:
$xml = simplexml_load_file(all_objects.xml");
$image = $xml->xpath('/objects/object/images/image');
foreach($image as $node) {
$id = (string) $node->field[0];
$url = (string) $node->field[4];
echo $id . " : " . $url . "<br>";
But instead of using the key/number they appear [4] in, I would like to target using the field name attribute, e.g. "id" and "image_url", as they are not always in this order.
Something like this:
$id = (string) $node->field["id"];
But it does not work, I tried with field->attribtues()->id too, but no luck.
The xml:
<field name="id">1055</field>
<field name="title">example object</field>
<image number="1">
<field name="id">55</field>
<field name="version">1</field>
<field name="image_url_small">http://example.com/image-small.jpg</field>
<field name="image_url_medium">http://example.com/image-medium.jpg</field>
<field name="image_url_big">http://example.com/image-big.jpg</field>
<field name="image_url_original">http://example.com/image.jpg</field>
<image number="2">
<field name="id">56</field>
<field name="version">2</field>
<field name="image_url">http://example.com/image2.jpg</field>
<image number="3">...</image>
<image number="25">...</image>
I would really appreciate any help/guidance! I am losing my mind over this.
You can use XPath to get child element with certain attribute value :
foreach($image as $node) {
$id = (string) $node->xpath('field[@name="id"]')[0];
$url = (string) $node->xpath('field[@name="image_url_big"]')[0];
echo $id . " : " . $url . "<br>";
output :
55 : http://example.com/image-big.jpg
56 :