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Rstudio Error Quandl "code":"QECx02","message"

I am trying to import financial data from Quandl


currencies <- c("RUB", "USD", "JPY", "EUR", "CNY")
currencies <- paste("CURRFX/BRL", currencies, sep= "")

currency_ts <- lapply(as.list(currencies), Quandl, start_date="1999-01-01", end_date="2014-12-30", type="xts")

I have tried it for a few times with other currencies and it did work, but suddenly it stopped to work and started to give me this kind of error :

Error: {"quandl_error":{"code":"QECx02","message":"You have submitted an incorrect Quandl code. Please check your Quandl codes and try again."}}


  • I think this message is also displayed when the code is right but there is no quandl data available at the start date.