I want to run a .jar file always after I booted up my Raspberry Pi. I know how to run the file in the console:
java -jar pi/test.jar
But how can I save this command in a executable file and where is the place to save it, that the file starts after boot up? This is not a duplicate because it's different on a Raspberry Pi than on other linux systems.
you can use my setup :
save this in /etc/init.d/raspberryUtils
(change as appropriate)
# MyApp
# description:raspberryUtils util service
case $1 in
/bin/bash /home/developer/raspberryUtils/bootstartup/startServer.sh
exit 0
java -cp /home/developer/raspberryUtils/dist/RaspberryUtils.jar service.StartServices &
# Grabs and kill a process from the pidlist that has the word myapp
pid=`ps aux | grep RaspberryUtils | awk '{print $2}'`
kill -9 $pid
this way you can stop,start without restarting the pi too
as mentioned by @Cosu its better using jps
so stopServer.sh is :
# Grabs and kill a process from the pidlist that has the word StartService
pid=`jps | grep StartService | awk '{print $1}'`
kill -9 $pid