I'm trying to add a row of 'Hotkeys' to Code Mirror. For a normal <textarea id=code>
I could do:
function insertAtCursor(textArea,text)
if (textArea.setSelectionRange)
textArea.value = textArea.value.substring(0,textArea.selectionStart) + text + textArea.value.substring(textArea.selectionStart,textArea.selectionEnd) + textArea.value.substring(textArea.selectionEnd,textArea.value.length);
else if (document.selection && document.selection.createRange)
var range = document.selection.createRange();
range.text = text + range.text;
How could I do this with a CodeMirror instance?
Here's a small example where you want to insert an extra character for autocompletion. If user starts typing a ( you want to add an extra ) and set the cursor one place back so he can directly continue to type.
editor.on('keypress', function(cm,e){
console.log("keypress: "+e.charCode);
if(e.charCode === 40) { //check for ( and autocomplete with ) while placing cursor inside ()
e.preventDefault(); //ignore this key
editor.replaceSelection("()"); //replace with ()
editor.setCursor(editor.getCursor().line,editor.getCursor().ch-1); //set cursor back one position
return false;