I am having 1 column in my grid with name status and my last column of grid contains Column that is Action.
In this Action column i have two button that is Edit and Delete.
Now when my Status value is pending i want to make my delete button disable with tooltip:Cant delete record with status except pending.
This is my code:
field: "Status",
title: "Status",
width: 200,
template: '#if(Status) {#Approved#} else{#Pending#}#'
field: "Id",
title: "Action",
width: 60,
template: "<a title='Edit' href=''></a><a onclick='javascript:return Delete(\"#:Id#\",\"grid2\");' title='delete'><img src='@Url.Content("~/img/delete.png")' /></a> //Disable this delete when status is except pending.
sortable: false
How to do this??
Please try with the below code snippet. We can not disable the anchor tag so I have removed onclick event from anchor tag, where its status is pending.
columns: [{
field: "Status",
title: "Status"
field: "StudentID",
title: "Action",
template: "<a title='Edit' href=''>Edit</a> " +
"#if(Status=='Approved'){# <a onclick='javascript:return Delete(\"#:StudentID#\",\"grid2\");' title='delete'>Delete</a> #}#" +
"#if(Status=='Pending'){# <a title='Cant delete record with status except pending'>Delete</a> #}#"
Sample data: