Does anybody know if there is a way to return two values from Java with (close to) zero overhead? I'm only looking for two values - I have a couple use cases from processing an array of bytes (and need the return value and the next starting position) to trying to return a value with an error code to doing some ugliness with fixed-point calculations and need the whole and fractional part.
I'm not below some really ugly hacks. The function is small and Hotspot happily inlines it. So now, I just need to get Hotspot to basically elide any object creation or bit shifting.
If I restrict my returned values to ints, I 've tried to pack them into a long, but even after inlining, Hotspot cannot seem figure out that all the bit shifts and masks don't really do anything and it happily packs and unpacks the ints into the same values (clearly, a place where Hotspot's peephole optimizer needs help). But at least I'm not creating an object.
My more difficult case is when one of the items I need to return is a reference and the other is a long or another reference (for the int case, I think I can compress the OOP and use the bit packing described above).
Has anybody tried to get Hotspot to generate garbage-free code for this? Worst case right now is that I have to have a carry around an object and pass it in, but I'd like to keep it self contained. Thread Locals are expensive (hash lookups), and it needs to be reentrant.
optimization (ON by default in Java 8) works fine for that.
Whenever you return new Pair(a, b)
right at the end of the callee method and use the result immediately in the caller, JVM is very likely to do a scalar replacement if the callee is inlined.
A simple experiment shows there's nearly no overhead in returning an object. This is not only an efficient way, but also the most readable one.
Benchmark Mode Cnt Score Error Units
ReturnPair.manualInline thrpt 30 127,713 ± 3,408 ops/us
ReturnPair.packToLong thrpt 30 113,606 ± 1,807 ops/us
ReturnPair.pairObject thrpt 30 126,881 ± 0,478 ops/us
ReturnPair.pairObjectAllocated thrpt 30 92,477 ± 0,621 ops/us
The benchmark:
import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.*;
import org.openjdk.jmh.infra.Blackhole;
import java.util.concurrent.ThreadLocalRandom;
public class ReturnPair {
int counter;
public void manualInline(Blackhole bh) {
public void packToLong(Blackhole bh) {
long packed = getPacked();
bh.consume((int) (packed >>> 32));
bh.consume((int) packed);
public void pairObject(Blackhole bh) {
Pair pair = getPair();
@Fork(jvmArgs = "-XX:-EliminateAllocations")
public void pairObjectAllocated(Blackhole bh) {
Pair pair = getPair();
public long getPacked() {
int a = counter++;
int b = ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextInt();
return (long) a << 32 | (b & 0xffffffffL);
public Pair getPair() {
int a = counter++;
int b = ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextInt();
return new Pair(a, b);
static class Pair {
final int a;
final int b;
Pair(int a, int b) {
this.a = a;
this.b = b;