I am having 2 grids on my page with name grid1 and grid2.
Now i want to pass grid name as hardcoded to my 1 common javascript function for deleting records from grid like below:
for Grid 1 delete function:
field: "Id",
template:<a title="delete" onclick="javascript:return Delete(<#=Id#>,<#=grid1#>);" > //showing error in console grid1 is not defined
for Grid 2 delete function:
field: "Id",
template:<a title="delete" onclick="javascript:return Delete(<#=Id#>,<#=grid2#>);" > //showing error in console grid2 is not defined.
My javascript function:
function Delete(id, gridname) {
Please try with the below code snippet. If you write any text between # (hash) the grid try to find that field in your datasource that's why you got the undefined error.
JS Function:
function Delete(id, gridname) {
var grid = $("#" + gridname).data("kendoGrid");
console.log(id, gridname)
for Grid 1 delete function:
field: "Id",
template: "<a title='delete' onclick='javascript:return Delete(\"#:Id#\",\"grid1\");'></a>",
for Grid 2 delete function:
field: "Id",
template: "<a title='delete' onclick='javascript:return Delete(\"#:Id#\",\"grid2\");'></a>",
Let me know if any concern.