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Reading all the documents from a bucket

Is there a way to read all the documents from a bucket? It is an active bucket an I want to access newly created document as well.
Few people suggested to use to view to query against a bucket.
How can I create a View which will be updated with new or updated documents?
Newly created view's map function:

function (doc, meta) {

Reduce function is empty. When I query the view like this bucket.query(ViewQuery.from("test1", "all")).totalRows() it returns 0 results back.


  • For returning zero results issue, did you promote the view to a production view? This is a common mistake. Development views only look at a small subset of data so as to not possibly overwhelm the server. Try this first.

    Also, never emit the entire document if you can help it, especially if you are looking over all documents in a bucket. You want to emit the IDs of the documents and then if you need to get the content of those objects, do a get operation or bulk operation. I would give you a direct link for the bulk operations, but you have not said what SDK you are using and those are SDK specific. Here is the one for Java, for example.

    All that being said, I have questions about why you are doing the equivalent of select * from bucket. What are you planning to do with this data once you have? What are you really trying to do? There are lots of options on how to solve this of course.