I'm trying to find a specific text segment within a text file and than a specific line within the text segment. The algorithm should be as follow:
1)First, search for a line which contains the keyword "Macros"
2)The next found line must contain the keyword "Name"
3)And finally print me the next line
As pseudo code I mean something like this:
File.open(file_name) do |f|
f.each_line {|line|
if line.include?("Macros")
and if next line.include?("Name")
print me the line after
Any suggestions?
I would use boolean flags to remember that I already matched the parts of the condition:
File.open(file_name) do |file|
marcos_found = false
name_found = false
file.each_line do |line|
if line.include?('Macros')
marcos_found = true
elsif found_marcos && line.include?("Name")
name_found = true
elsif marcos_found && name_found
puts line
break # do not search further or print later matches