I would love to implement Drag and Drop in my Angular project using the angular-dragula module (https://github.com/bevacqua/angular-dragula). However, it seems to be heavily dependent on RequireJS. I've not used Require for a while and only then for an example app or two. Is there an easy way to untangle Require from this module?
The author seems to think it is simple (https://github.com/bevacqua/angular-dragula/issues/23) and has shut down similar questions as well without a real explanation. I've looked at the code and don't see how to load the module without adding RequireJS to my project (which I don't want to do). Am I stuck with either not using this module or adding Require or is there a way to use this without Require?
OK, after help from those who commented (thanks everyone!), I was able to get this to work. There are a couple things that you need to do. First, I was bundling this module with the rest of my modules and trying to call it. That will not work because it needs to initialize with a parameter (angular
). Therefore, you need to do the following:
(not in quotes).angularDragula
.For example, here is my declaration of app:
var app = angular.module('app', [
And then to get a simple list to be drag and drop capable, this is my html:
<div dragula='"bag-one"' dragula-model="vm.items">
<div ng-repeat="item in vm.items">{{ item }}</div>
Note that I do not declare angularDragula anywhere, unlike the examples. In the example the author gives, he requires angular
and creates the angular
variable and then he requires angular-dragula
and creates the angularDragula
variable. This is not needed if you are not using RequireJS
as long as you load the scripts in the right order.