I am new to using Criteria Builder for building dynamic queries.
I am trying to create a specification for my repository to find the DVD titles that contain a description like the search term.
I have a many to many join between dvds and dvd desciptions in my model.
In my DVD static metamodel class I have a
public static volatile SetAttribute<DVD, DVDDescription> descriptions;
At the moment I am getting an error: "CriteriaBuilder is not applicable for the arguments"
public Predicate toPredicate(Root<DVDs> root, CriteriaQuery<?>, CriteriaBuilder cb){
return cb.like(searchTerm,root.get(DVD_.descriptions))
I know I am probably going about this the wrong way, but how do I use criteria builder for a setAttribute?
You need a Join:
public Predicate toPredicate(Root<DVDs> root, CriteriaQuery<?>, CriteriaBuilder cb){
Join<DVD, DVDDescription> descriptionJoin = root.join(DVD_.descriptions);
return cb.like(searchTerm,descriptionJoin.get(DVDDescription_.content));