I have a menu item that, when clicked, captures a screenshot of the website and sends it to a backing bean. It uses the html2canvas
library. The problem is that I'm getting random aborted XHRs and I can't figure out why.
Here is the code for the menu item:
<p:submenu label="Print" id="print">
<p:menuitem value="Print Map in PDF" onclick="printMapPDF();"/>
Here is the code for the function:
function printMapPDF() {
console.log("test 1");
html2canvas($('#mainForm\\:map'), {
allowTaint : true,
useCORS : true,
onrendered : function(canvas) {
console.log("test 2");
var dataURL = canvas.toDataURL("image/png");
var hidden = document.getElementById('mainForm:dataURLfield');
hidden.setAttribute('value', dataURL);
console.log("test 3");
return true;
'test 1'
and 'test 3'
appear on the console. Then, when the image is rendered, it calls the callback function, the XHR is aborted, and finally 'test 2'
appears. I suppose the error must be happening when html2canvas
is called, but I don't know what to do about this.
Any clues?
It's aborted because <p:menuitem>
navigates to its (default) target URL. Simply let the onclick
return false;
to prevent the element from performing its default click behavior (usually, refreshing the current page).
<p:menuitem ... onclick="printMapPDF(); return false;" />
When the navigation happens before the ajax request gets sent, then you'll obviously get exactly this problem of an aborted XHR.
That said, it's worth the effort to take a step back from JSF and learn some basic HTML and JavaScript first. Your concrete problem is not JSF related. JSF is in the context of this question merely a HTML code generator. You'd have had exactly the same problem when having a copy of JSF-generated HTML output in a plain .html
file and the question would easily be answerable by htmljavascript users.