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How to draw parallel lines with canvas PaperJS? (Canvas/Javascript)

Sorry for my poor knowledge in mathematics.

How can I draw parallel lines like this:

Here is my current code:

<canvas id='canvas' resize></canvas>

I'm using PaperJS ( :

<script type='text/javascript' src=''></script>

And this is my script:

<script type='text/paperscript' canvas='canvas'>
    var path1    = new Path();
    var path2    = new Path();
    var path3    = new Path();
    var distance = 20;

    path1.strokeWidth = 2.0;
    path1.strokeColor = 'black';
    path2.strokeWidth = 2.0;
    path2.strokeColor = 'black';
    path2.dashArray   = [4, 4];
    path3.strokeWidth = 2.0;
    path3.strokeColor = 'black';

    function onMouseDown (event) {
       path1.add(event.point - distance);
       path3.add(event.point + distance);

This is my bad result (I've rounded by red circle):

enter image description here


  • enter image description here

    Your need to create extruding and beveling paths to a source path reminds me of this on-point blog post by Hans Muller.

    Attribution Note:

    Hans Muller wrote several blog posts about the work done to provide CSS shape-margin and shape-padding in Webkit and Blink.

    This same code that calculates the CSS margin path outside a shape and the CSS padding path inside a shape can be used to create your parallel paths.

    Here is a demo from the post that shows "parallel" paths inside and outside a given path:

    var shapeMargin = 10;
    var shapePadding = 10;
    var polygon;
    var marginPolygon;
    var paddingPolygon;
    var dragVertexIndex = null;
    var hoverLocation = null;
    var polygonVertexRadius = 9;
    function getCanvas() { return document.getElementById("demo-canvas"); }
    function drawPolygonVertexLabels(g, p)
      for (var i = 0; i < p.vertices.length; i++) {
        var vertex = p.vertices[i];
        if (vertex.hidden)
        g.fillText(vertex.label, vertex.x - 3, vertex.y + 4);
    function drawPolygonVertices(g, p, r)
      g.strokeStyle = "none";
      for (var i = 0; i < p.vertices.length; i++) {
        var vertex = p.vertices[i];
        if (vertex.hidden)
        g.arc(vertex.x, vertex.y, r, 0, Math.PI*2, false)
                    if (vertex.isReflex) {
                        g.strokeStyle = "rgb(238,236,230)";
                        g.lineWidth = 1;
                        g.arc(vertex.x, vertex.y, polygonVertexRadius+2, 0, Math.PI*2, false);
    function drawPolygonEdges(g, p)
      if (p.vertices.length == 0)
      for (var i = 0; i < p.vertices.length; i++) {
        var vertex = p.vertices[i];
        if (i == 0) 
          g.moveTo(vertex.x, vertex.y);
          g.lineTo(vertex.x, vertex.y);
      if (polygon.closed)
        g.lineTo(p.vertices[0].x, p.vertices[0].y);
    function drawPolygonOffsetEdges(g, p)
      var edges = p.offsetEdges;
      if (!edges || edges.length == 0)
      for (var i = 0; i < edges.length; i++) {
        var edge = edges[i];
        g.moveTo(edge.vertex1.x, edge.vertex1.y);
        g.lineTo(edge.vertex2.x, edge.vertex2.y);
    function draw() {
      var canvas = getCanvas();
      var g = canvas.getContext("2d");
      g.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
      // marginPolygon
      g.fillStyle = "none";
      g.strokeStyle = "rgba(238,236,230,0.5)";
      g.lineWidth = "1";
      drawPolygonOffsetEdges(g, marginPolygon);
      g.strokeStyle = "rgb(79,129,189)";
      g.lineWidth = "2";
      g.fillStyle = "none";
      drawPolygonEdges(g, marginPolygon);
      g.fillStyle = "rgb(79,129,189)";
      drawPolygonVertices(g, marginPolygon, polygonVertexRadius - 4);
      // paddingPolygon
      g.strokeStyle = "rgba(238,236,230,0.5)"
      g.lineWidth = "1";
      drawPolygonOffsetEdges(g, paddingPolygon);
      g.strokeStyle = "rgb(119,146,60)";
      g.lineWidth = "2";
      g.fillStyle = "none";
      drawPolygonEdges(g, paddingPolygon);
      g.fillStyle = "rgb(119,146,60)";
      drawPolygonVertices(g, paddingPolygon, polygonVertexRadius - 4);
      // polygon
      g.strokeStyle = "rgb(238,236,230)";
      g.fillStyle = "none";
      g.lineWidth = "1";
      drawPolygonEdges(g, polygon);
      g.fillStyle = "rgb(255,161,0)";
      drawPolygonVertices(g, polygon, polygonVertexRadius);
      g.font = "12px Arial";
      g.fillStyle = "black";
      drawPolygonVertexLabels(g, polygon);
    // See
    function distanceToEdgeSquared(p1, p2, p3)
      var dx = p2.x - p1.x;
      var dy = p2.y - p1.y;
      if (dx == 0 || dy == 0) 
        return Number.POSITIVE_INFNITY;
      var u = ((p3.x - p1.x) * dx + (p3.y - p1.y) * dy) / (dx * dx + dy * dy);
      if (u < 0 || u > 1)
        return Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
      var x = p1.x + u * dx;  // closest point on edge p1,p2 to p3
      var y = p1.y + u * dy;
      return Math.pow(p3.x - x, 2) + Math.pow(p3.y - y, 2);
    function polygonVertexNear(p)
      var thresholdDistanceSquared = polygonVertexRadius * polygonVertexRadius * 2;
      for (var i = 0; i < polygon.vertices.length; i++) {
        var vertex = polygon.vertices[i];
        var dx = vertex.x - p.x;
        var dy = vertex.y - p.y;
        if (dx*dx + dy*dy < thresholdDistanceSquared)
          return i;
      return null;
    function polygonEdgeNear(p)
      var thresholdDistanceSquared = polygonVertexRadius * polygonVertexRadius * 2;
      for (var i = 0; i < polygon.vertices.length; i++) {
        var v0 = polygon.vertices[i];
        var v1 = polygon.vertices[(i + 1) % polygon.vertices.length];
        if (distanceToEdgeSquared(v0, v1, p) < thresholdDistanceSquared)
          return {index0: i, index1: (i + 1) % polygon.vertices.length};
      return null;
    // See
    function canvasEventLocation(event)
      var canvas = getCanvas();
      var style = document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(canvas, null);
      function styleValue(property) {
        return parseInt(style.getPropertyValue(property), 10) || 0;
      var scaleX = canvas.width / styleValue("width");
      var scaleY = canvas.height / styleValue("height");
      var canvasRect = canvas.getBoundingClientRect();
      var canvasX = scaleX * (event.clientX - canvasRect.left - canvas.clientLeft - styleValue("padding-left"));
      var canvasY = scaleY * (event.clientY - - canvas.clientTop - styleValue("padding-top"))
      return {x: canvasX, y: canvasY};
    function handleMouseDown(event)
      var eventXY = canvasEventLocation(event);
      getCanvas().addEventListener("mousemove", handleMouseMove, false); 
      if (polygon.closed) {
        dragVertexIndex = polygonVertexNear(eventXY);
        if (dragVertexIndex == null) {
          var edge = polygonEdgeNear(canvasEventLocation(event));
          if (edge != null) {
            polygon.vertices.splice(edge.index1, 0, eventXY);
        polygon.closed = polygonVertexNear(eventXY) != null;
        if (!polygon.closed)
      // The following appears to be the only way to prevent Chrome from showing the text select cursor.
      // For the record: hacks based on -webkit-user-select: none, or #canvas:focus,#canvas:active do not 
      // currently work.
    function handleMouseMove(event)
      if (dragVertexIndex != null) {
        var eventXY = canvasEventLocation(event);
        polygon.vertices[dragVertexIndex].x = eventXY.x;
        polygon.vertices[dragVertexIndex].y = eventXY.y;
    function handleMouseUp(event)
      getCanvas().removeEventListener("mousemove", handleMouseMove);
      dragVertexIndex = null;
    function handleSliderChange()
      function $(id) { return document.getElementById(id); }
      shapeMargin = parseInt($("slider.shapeMargin").value);
      $("value.shapeMargin").innerHTML = shapeMargin;
      shapePadding = parseInt($("slider.shapePadding").value);
      $("value.shapePadding").innerHTML = shapePadding;
    function inwardEdgeNormal(edge)
      // Assuming that polygon vertices are in clockwise order
      var dx = edge.vertex2.x - edge.vertex1.x;
      var dy = edge.vertex2.y - edge.vertex1.y;
      var edgeLength = Math.sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy);
      return {x: -dy/edgeLength, y: dx/edgeLength};
    function outwardEdgeNormal(edge)
      var n = inwardEdgeNormal(edge);
      return {x: -n.x, y: -n.y};
    // If the slope of line vertex1,vertex2 greater than the slope of vertex1,p then p is on the left side of vertex1,vertex2 and the return value is > 0.
    // If p is colinear with vertex1,vertex2 then return 0, otherwise return a value < 0.
    function leftSide(vertex1, vertex2, p)
      return ((p.x - vertex1.x) * (vertex2.y - vertex1.y)) - ((vertex2.x - vertex1.x) * (p.y - vertex1.y));
    function isReflexVertex(polygon, vertexIndex)
      // Assuming that polygon vertices are in clockwise order
      var thisVertex = polygon.vertices[vertexIndex];
      var nextVertex = polygon.vertices[(vertexIndex + 1) % polygon.vertices.length];
      var prevVertex = polygon.vertices[(vertexIndex + polygon.vertices.length - 1) % polygon.vertices.length];
      if (leftSide(prevVertex, nextVertex, thisVertex) < 0)
        return true;  // TBD: return true if thisVertex is inside polygon when thisVertex isn't included
      return false;
    function createPolygon(vertices)
      var polygon = {vertices: vertices};
      var edges = [];
      var minX = (vertices.length > 0) ? vertices[0].x : undefined;
      var minY = (vertices.length > 0) ? vertices[0].y : undefined;
      var maxX = minX;
      var maxY = minY;
      for (var i = 0; i < polygon.vertices.length; i++) {
        vertices[i].label = String(i);
        vertices[i].isReflex = isReflexVertex(polygon, i);
        var edge = {
          vertex1: vertices[i], 
          vertex2: vertices[(i + 1) % vertices.length], 
          polygon: polygon, 
          index: i
        edge.outwardNormal = outwardEdgeNormal(edge);
        edge.inwardNormal = inwardEdgeNormal(edge);
        var x = vertices[i].x;
        var y = vertices[i].y;
        minX = Math.min(x, minX);
        minY = Math.min(y, minY);
        maxX = Math.max(x, maxX);
        maxY = Math.max(y, maxY);
      polygon.edges = edges;
      polygon.minX = minX;
      polygon.minY = minY;
      polygon.maxX = maxX;
      polygon.maxY = maxY;
      polygon.closed = true;
      return polygon;
    // based on, edgeA => "line a", edgeB => "line b"
    function edgesIntersection(edgeA, edgeB)
      var den = (edgeB.vertex2.y - edgeB.vertex1.y) * (edgeA.vertex2.x - edgeA.vertex1.x) - (edgeB.vertex2.x - edgeB.vertex1.x) * (edgeA.vertex2.y - edgeA.vertex1.y);
      if (den == 0)
        return null;  // lines are parallel or conincident
      var ua = ((edgeB.vertex2.x - edgeB.vertex1.x) * (edgeA.vertex1.y - edgeB.vertex1.y) - (edgeB.vertex2.y - edgeB.vertex1.y) * (edgeA.vertex1.x - edgeB.vertex1.x)) / den;
      var ub = ((edgeA.vertex2.x - edgeA.vertex1.x) * (edgeA.vertex1.y - edgeB.vertex1.y) - (edgeA.vertex2.y - edgeA.vertex1.y) * (edgeA.vertex1.x - edgeB.vertex1.x)) / den;
      if (ua < 0 || ub < 0 || ua > 1 || ub > 1)
        return null;
      return {x: edgeA.vertex1.x + ua * (edgeA.vertex2.x - edgeA.vertex1.x),  y: edgeA.vertex1.y + ua * (edgeA.vertex2.y - edgeA.vertex1.y)};
    function appendArc(vertices, center, radius, startVertex, endVertex, isPaddingBoundary)
      const twoPI = Math.PI * 2;
      var startAngle = Math.atan2(startVertex.y - center.y, startVertex.x - center.x);
      var endAngle = Math.atan2(endVertex.y - center.y, endVertex.x - center.x);
      if (startAngle < 0)
        startAngle += twoPI;
      if (endAngle < 0)
        endAngle += twoPI;
      var arcSegmentCount = 5; // An odd number so that one arc vertex will be eactly arcRadius from center.
      var angle = ((startAngle > endAngle) ? (startAngle - endAngle) : (startAngle + twoPI - endAngle));
      var angle5 =  ((isPaddingBoundary) ? -angle : twoPI - angle) / arcSegmentCount;
      for (var i = 1; i < arcSegmentCount; ++i) {
        var angle = startAngle + angle5 * i;
        var vertex = {
          x: center.x + Math.cos(angle) * radius,
          y: center.y + Math.sin(angle) * radius,
    function createOffsetEdge(edge, dx, dy)
      return {
        vertex1: {x: edge.vertex1.x + dx, y: edge.vertex1.y + dy},
        vertex2: {x: edge.vertex2.x + dx, y: edge.vertex2.y + dy}
    function createMarginPolygon(polygon)
      var offsetEdges = [];
      for (var i = 0; i < polygon.edges.length; i++) {
        var edge = polygon.edges[i];
        var dx = edge.outwardNormal.x * shapeMargin;
        var dy = edge.outwardNormal.y * shapeMargin;
        offsetEdges.push(createOffsetEdge(edge, dx, dy));
      var vertices = [];
      for (var i = 0; i < offsetEdges.length; i++) {
        var thisEdge = offsetEdges[i];
        var prevEdge = offsetEdges[(i + offsetEdges.length - 1) % offsetEdges.length];
        var vertex = edgesIntersection(prevEdge, thisEdge);
        if (vertex)
        else {
          var arcCenter = polygon.edges[i].vertex1;
          appendArc(vertices, arcCenter, shapeMargin, prevEdge.vertex2, thisEdge.vertex1, false);
      var marginPolygon = createPolygon(vertices);
      marginPolygon.offsetEdges = offsetEdges;
      return marginPolygon;
    function createPaddingPolygon(polygon)
      var offsetEdges = [];
      for (var i = 0; i < polygon.edges.length; i++) {
        var edge = polygon.edges[i];
        var dx = edge.inwardNormal.x * shapePadding;
        var dy = edge.inwardNormal.y * shapePadding;
        offsetEdges.push(createOffsetEdge(edge, dx, dy));
      var vertices = [];
      for (var i = 0; i < offsetEdges.length; i++) {
        var thisEdge = offsetEdges[i];
        var prevEdge = offsetEdges[(i + offsetEdges.length - 1) % offsetEdges.length];
        var vertex = edgesIntersection(prevEdge, thisEdge);
        if (vertex)
        else {
          var arcCenter = polygon.edges[i].vertex1;
          appendArc(vertices, arcCenter, shapePadding, prevEdge.vertex2, thisEdge.vertex1, true);
      var paddingPolygon = createPolygon(vertices);
      paddingPolygon.offsetEdges = offsetEdges;
      return paddingPolygon;
    function computeAll()
      polygon = createPolygon(polygon.vertices);
      marginPolygon = createMarginPolygon(polygon);
      paddingPolygon = createPaddingPolygon(polygon);
    function init() 
      var polygonVertices =  [{x: 143, y: 327}, {x: 80, y: 236}, {x: 151, y: 148}, {x: 454, y: 69}, {x: 560, y: 320}];
      polygon = createPolygon(polygonVertices);
      var canvas = getCanvas();
      canvas.addEventListener("mousedown", handleMouseDown, false);
      canvas.addEventListener("mouseup", handleMouseUp, false);
      var sliderNames = ["slider.shapeMargin", "slider.shapePadding"];
      for (var i = 0; i < sliderNames.length; i++) {
        var slider = document.getElementById(sliderNames[i]);
        slider.onchange = handleSliderChange;
    #demo-canvas {
      border: solid black 4px;
      margin: 10px;
      cursor: default;
      background-color: #636363;
    .gui {
      display: table;
    .gui-row {
      display: table-row;
    .gui-label {
      display: table-cell;
      text-align: end;
      margin: 1em;
      width: 200px;
    .gui-input {
      display: table-cell;
      margin: 1em;
    .gui-value {
      display: table-cell;
      margin: 1em;
    <h4>Drag the numbered path vertices and the parallel lines adjust.</h4>
    <canvas id="demo-canvas" width="650" height="400"></canvas>
    <div class="gui">
      <div class="gui-row">
        <label class="gui-label" for="slider.shapeMargin">Shape Margin</label>
        <input class="gui-input" id="slider.shapeMargin" value="10" min="0" max="50" type="range" />
        <label class="gui-value" id="value.shapeMargin">10</label>
      <div class="gui-row">
        <label class="gui-label" for="slider.shapePadding">Shape Padding</label>
        <input class="gui-input" id="slider.shapePadding" value="10" min="0" max="50" type="range" />
        <label class="gui-value" id="value.shapePadding">10</label>